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Our Guiding Principles – What we Believe.
We're Strengths based, Client led, using Te Whare Tapa Wha model of health:
taha hinengaro – mental health and emotions.
taha wairua – spiritual health,
taha tinana – physical health, and
taha whānau – whānau as the epicentre of one's wellbeing.
Tangata whaiora (People Seeking Wellness), gain the knowledge to identify what they want.
Community connection is important.
Everyone has Value.
We Collaborate with other services to ensure everyone is “on the same page”.
What we Do
On the job training with feedback that helps develop strengths, builds confidence, and identify areas for growth.
Career assistance – Identify career interests – Develop career plans.
Provide education concerning rights and responsibilities regarding Health and Safety in the Workplace.
When other supports are needed, we explore these and make referrals or recommendations to the client.
Link to Supported Employment providers where the client does not already have one.
Provide feedback to supporting agencies where requested.
We Acknowledge and Respect Diversity and Cultural Identity.
Who is the service for?
Anyone over 18 years old identifying with Mental Health or Addiction challenges who want to explore their options through:
Community involvement,
Paid work
Further study
Developing their employment habits and skills
Who can Refer to our Services?
A client may refer themselves.
Addiction Services
Mental Health or Addiction clients of any Support Agency or Service.
Even if you don’t perfectly fit our criteria, we encourage you to enquire.
Literacy and Numeracy Competence is not an issue!