Earthlink is proud to host the Hutt Valley Curtain Bank.
Good quality curtains are essential for keeping the warmth in your home during the cold months - They also keep your power bills down!
Many families can't afford curtains, so we offer an opportunity to get some.
Our curtains are made onsite and have good quality thermal backing, to keep you and your family cozy, healthy and warm.
To apply for curtains please click on the link below to download and complete the application form - This should then be sent to curtainbank@earthlink.org.nz
We also take donations of good quality curtains and curtain fabrics - However please check, before bringing in curtains, that we can take them. Sometimes we're overwhelmed with stock, so please call first.
We don't provide net curtains.
Earthlink acknowledges the generous support of Hutt City Council who have made it possible to offer this service.