Earthlink Does Recycling!
We're BIG on Recycling!
Our Recycling Department provides valuable work experience for our clients.
What We Take.
(Among Other Things)
TV’s & Computer Monitors. ($10 charge each for these)
Stereo Equipment - Speakers - Amplifiers - Turntables
Tape Machines - Walkman - CD Players
Computers - Laptops - Printers - Networking - Cards.
Cabling - Switches - Plugs - Adapters - Frames - Racks.
Washing Machines - Dryers - Dishwashers - Ovens.
Sports Goods - Bikes - Exercise Machines - Scooters.
Motor Scooters - Mowers - Tools - Motors
CRT Televisions - CRT Monitors.
Good Furniture - Shelving - Book Cases - Antiques.
Bric-a-Brac - Art - Porcelain - Glassware - Cutlery - Crockery.
CDs - Records - Audio Tapes - DVDs.
Estate Clearances.
You can drop goods to us at the shop.
Or you can leave them with our staff at the Earthlink Bay at the Silverstream Landfill.
We can also arrange to Pick Up from your home or workplace - Give us a Call or use the Contact Form to arrange this.
04-5677-111 Option 0 (Shop)
Recycling Wooden Items.
End Of Life Wooden items are put to good use too.
Either for reconditioning, or to create something completely new.
There's a fantastic craftiness to many of our restorations too.