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How does it work?

You'll spend some time in the classroom time initially, focusing on hands-on learning and training, with one-on-one support.

Person-centred practice catering to your pace and ability.

We give you choices that assist you to be self-advocating

We use various career development tools to suit you

Use learning tools and resources to identify progress for you.

We use a “Five A’s” method to help you develop personal goals.

These are:

Attendance – Reliability, Showing up on time.

Attitude – Being open to learning new things. Being co-operative. Seeking to improve. Doing your best.

Aspiration – What you want to do or be.

Aptitude – The ability to do something well, quite often building on interests or abilities.

Ambition – The desire to achieve something. The driving force motivating a person to achieve their goals.


  • You'll gain a sense of purpose and a plan with goals and suggestions for your future direction.

  • You'll understand good work habits and how to practice them.

  • You'll gain a good knowledge of themselves and their skills, strengths, and abilities.

  • There's a Growth in your confidence, with increased self-worth

  • You'll have a Wellness Action Plan – Useful for maintaining wellness when in employment.

  • You'll have a Wellness Recovery Action Plan – Useful for navigating a period of unwellness.

  • There will be a change in your way of thinking, from “I can’t do that” to “I’ll give it a go, see if I can do it, and if I like it”

  • There's a Certificate for those who complete the course.

  • We'll provide engagement with a Supported Employment provider with informative assessments to assist in employment placement.


What does the course cost?

Nothing - Only your time and commitment - There are no fees.

What days does the course run?

Orientation is on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for one week.


The rest of the course is two days a week, 9:30 am until 2:30 pm

What if I'm not sure if I want to work or not?

This is a good opportunity to dip your toes into the world of paid employment.

What if I change my mind half way through?

No problem, but let’s talk about it first.

What if I’ve been on the course before and didn’t finish it - Can I come back?

Yes, let’s talk.

Will I be guaranteed a job at the end of the course?

No. However we have several placements a year available within Earthlink and we're quite successful at placing trainees, who finish the course, into work.

For more information Contact Alison Hobcraft


Phone: 04-5677-111 Option 1

Or, Complete and Return the Referral Form.

Referral Form

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25 Peterkin Street, Taita, Lower Hutt. 5019. New Zealand. 04-5677-111

©2022 by Earthlink Incorporated.

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